
年度 2010
科目名 EIC104(TH4)
教員名 E.ラインボルド
授業概要 This is another advanced elementary class focusing on READING and SPEAKING/WRITING. In addition to the textbook, topics of international issues and environmental issues are chosen for their reading and speaking/writing assignment. Paragraph writing will be introduced and followed up by making a short speech at every lesson.
授業計画 (Unit11-16)
Week 1-2 Introduction to the class and Unit 11
Week 3-4 Unit 12
Week 5-6 Unit 13
Week 7 Mid-term Examination(Progress check)
Week 8-9 Unit 14
Week 10-11 Unit 15
Week 12-13 Final Examination and Presentation
評価方法 授業時指示
メッセージ Welcome first year students! This class will be help you improve and use what you have learned in high school. Please be ready to speak in front of the class in English. Attendance is very important so please be careful not to miss more than 4 classes. I hope this class inspires all of you in many ways to broaden your perspectives. Let’s have a good class!