年度 2010
科目名 ESP I(A)
教員名 D.スウィナトン
授業概要 This aim of this class is to build confidence in speaking. First you will preview target vocabulary then listen to real life conversations to pick out main ideas then details. Next you practice model conversations with a partner using the target vocabulary. Building on this, you will then have a group discussion on the topic. You will be required to express your opinion and contribute to group discussions in English.
授業計画 Introducing yourself, social conversations.
Expressing emotions, describing feelings.
Making travel plans, comparing destinations.
Stating interests and preferences.
Talking about culture and cultural differences.
Talking about past experiences.
Making requests and offers.
Expressing and comparing opinions.
Talking about news events – how to agree or disagree.
World problems. Discuss solutions to world problems.
Public speaking. How to present ideas and opinions.
評価方法 80% for class participation, assignments and attendance.20% for an in-class speaking exam.
メッセージ You must be willing to communicate your ideas and opinions in this class.