Research Interests |
| Social psychology of media use, consumer behavior, advertising, information society, transnational cultural influence, Japan-China relationships. |
Journal Articles (in English) |
2023 | The relationship between consumer behavior and subjective well-being in Chinese teahouses and cafes: A social capital perspective,Journal of Leisure Research 2023 (with Shaowen Ni)[Taylor & Francis] |
2019 | The influence of shopping on subjective well-being in China,Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(1), 184-201,2019 (with Shaowen Ni) [Emerald] |
2017 | Online communication with strong ties and subjective well-being in Japan Computers in Human Behavior [Elsevier] |
2016 | Digital divides and mobile Internet in Indonesia: Impact of smartphones Telematics and Informatics (with Lia Puspitasari). [Science Direct] |
2014 | Nation brand personality and product evaluation among Japanese people: Implications for nation branding Place Branding and Public Diplomacy (with Satoshi Watanabe). [Palgrave macmillian] |
2013 | Nationalism and preferences for domestic and foreign animation programmes in China. International Communication Gazette March 2013, vol. 75 no. 2 225-245. [Sage journals] |
2012 | Nationalism, Materialism, and Preferences for the US and East Asian Countries in Japan. electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies Volume 12, Issue 1. (article 3 in 2012) [download] |
2011 | Examining the Adverse Effects of Mobile Phone Use among Japanese Adolescents. Keio Communication Review 33, 69-83. [download] |
2010 | Mobile Internet Use in Japan. Media Asia 36(4) 201-209. |
2009 | Nationalistic Sentiments of Chinese Consumers: The Effects and Determinants of Animosity and Consumer Ethnocentrism. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 21(4), pp.299-308. [InformaWorld] |
2008 | Uses and Gratifications of Online Communities in Japan. Observatorio, 2(3), pp.25-37. [Observatorio] |
2007 | Links between Real and Virtual Networks: A Comparative Study of Online Communities in Japan and Korea. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 10(2), pp.252-257. (with Morihiro Ogasahara) [Mary Ann Liebert] |
2006 | Implications of Mobility: The Uses of Personal Communication Media in Everyday Life. Journal of Communication, 56(2), 346-365. [Oxford Academic] |
2006 | A comparative study of media cultures among Taiwanese and Japanese youth. Telematics and Informatics, 23(2), 95-116. (with Chyi-In Wu) [ScienceDirect] |
2004 | Internet use via mobile phone in Japan, Telecommunications Policy, 28(1), pp.43-58. [ScienceDirect] |
2003 | Diffusion, Policy and Use of Broadband in Japan. Trends in Communication, 11(1), pp.45-61 [LEA online] |
1999 | Japanese and U.S. Programs in Taiwan: New Patterns in Taiwanese Television. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 43(3), pp.416-431 (with Herng Su & Satoshi Watanabe) [Taylor & Francis Online] |
1997 | Measuring Information Behavior: A time budget survey in Japan. Social Indicators Research, 42(2), pp.151-169. (with Hirohisa Suzuki & Yoshiaki Hashimoto) [SpeingerLink] |
1996 | PHS: Revolutionizing Personal Communication in Japan. Telecommunications Policy, 20(7), pp.497-506. [ScienceDirect] |
1996 | Is the U.S. Over-reported in the Japanese Press?: Factors Accounting for International News in the Asahi. Gazette (The International Journal for Mass Communication Studies), 57(2), pp.135-144. [Sage journals] |
1996 | Factors Influencing the Adoption of New Information Media in Japanese Families, Media Asia, 23(1), pp.22-28. |
1991 | Measuring Mutual Causation: Effects of Suicide News on Suicides in Japan. Social Science Research, 20, pp.188-195. [ScienceDirect] |
Book chapters |
2019 | Ishii, Kenichi,(2019). A Comparative Study between Japanese, US, Taiwanese, and Chinese Social Networking Site Users: Self-Disclosure and Network Homogeneity. In Ana Serrano Telleria (Ed.), Between the Public and Private in Mobile Communication (pp. 155-174). New York: Routledge. [Routledge] |
2010 | Ishii, Kenichi, & Takeshita, Toshio (2010). Corporate reputation and the news media in Japan. In Craig E. Carroll (Ed.), Corporate reputation and the news media: Agenda-setting within business news coverage in developed, emerging, and frontier markets (pp. 129-141). New York:
Routledge. [Amazon] |
2008 | Social Consequences of Broadband Access in Japan, In Handbook of Research in Global Diffusion of Broadband Data Transmission, Dwivedi Y.K., Papazafeiropoulou, A., and Choudrie, J. (Eds). IGI Global, Hershey,
PA, USA. [Amazon] |
2006 | Japan: Mobile and Broadband--Two Emerging Business Models in the World's Third Largest Broadband User. In Webcasting Worldwide Business Models of an Emerging Global Medium edited by Louisa S. Ha & Richard J. Ganahl, III. (Chapter 17, pp.335-356.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Amazon] (with Morihiro Ogasahara)
The 2007 Robert Picard Award (Broadcast Education Association) |
Other articles (in Japanese) |
2024 | デジタルリテラシー尺度の開発:yDSI尺度日本語版 [Link] |
2024 | 動画コンテンツの利用と満足―日本と中国における動画の利用動機の比較調査[Link] |
2023 | フードデリバリー、外食利用と社会関係資本 : 日本と中国における個食の実態とその要因[Link] |
2020 | Public Awareness and Social Impact of Novel Cronavirus in Japan [Link] |
2020 | 新型コロナウィルスへの人々の対策行動―アンケート調査結果から [Link] |
Books (editor, in Japanese) |
2019 | The Images between Japan, China and South Korea and Popular Culture, Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. (Nichukan no sougo imeiji to popyura karuchya) |
2008 | Media and Industry in China in the Globalized Era, Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. |
2003 | The Diffusion Process of Informatization, Gakubunsha, Tokyo. (Johoka no fukyukatei) |
2001 | Japanese Mass Cultures in East Asia (editor), Sososha, Tokyo. (Higashi azia no nippon taisyuu bunka) |
Editorial Board Member |
| Journal of Communication (Oxford Aademic) |
| Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (Sage Publicatoins) |
| Mobile Media & Communication (Sage Publications) |